If you’re researching how to play Town of Salem as a Medium or Escort, you are in the right place.
As Town Support, you have to pay close attention to Investigative roles’ findings and contribute by hindering Mafia and other evil roles’ progress.
How to Play Town of Salem as a Medium?
First of all - I feel for you - I hate this role as much as everyone hates it, but sometimes it can be fun.
The good news is that you are one of the last targets of the Mafia, so even if you reveal, chances are you’ll stay alive. Of course, unless the “Medium curse” kicks in and you die Night 1.
But the problem is that the Town sometimes might not believe that you are a Medium because it is a good claim space for the Mafia, especially the Janitor. That’s why it’s absolutely necessary to keep your Last Will even if you have no info.
It should look something like this:
Also, since Mediums can quickly copy the chat during the Night, you can use it to prove to the Town that you are the Medium. Copy-paste something that a dead player has said, such as: “Gary: 2 and 6 are not mafia.”
You are most useful as a Medium when you have leads to pass on to the Town. Anything that dead Investigative roles tell you or a role claim from someone who has been Cleaned could be a useful piece of information. Make sure to store these in your Last Will as well.
Oh, and if there are two or more Mediums, which may happen in Ranked games, be wary - you won’t be able to see each other. Therefore, you might ask the dead to confirm there are more by telling your name and asking them to check other potential Mediums’ names. Then the two (or three) of you can confirm each other.
How to Play Town of Salem as an Escort?
Playing an Escort is usually not fun until later in the game, or at least until the Godfather or Mafioso are out.
If there is only a single Mafia killing role, you can prevent them from killing via your role block.
In case there is no Mafia kill, you cannot be 100% sure you found the killer, but it’s always good to double-check.
There is a chance that blocking Town will cause slower progress, so don’t stay on the same person twice unless you have reason to believe they are evil.
Always keep a Last Will and save it before the night phase is over because a Werewolf will kill you if you visit them. A Serial Killer that is not being Cautious will attack you too, but then your Last Will will be covered in blood.
Still, if there’s a Medium, you’ll be able to tell them who the Serial Killer is.
Also, as an Escort, you can prevent the Witch from using the Vigilante to kill Town members. In that scenario, make sure to role block the Vigilante.
Final Words
Even if you feel as if your roles don’t have a high priority, an Escort and a Medium can perform so many tremendous moves that could win the game for Town.
Other Town Support roles will be covered soon. See you!