In this guide, you can read all the Perks confirmed for the multiplayer modes of the upcoming Call of Duty series game, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.
Perks in COD Black Ops Cold War:
Perk Slot #1:
Detect enemy equipment and scorestreaks through walls. See enemy scorestreaks on your mini-map. Re-roll your care packages.
Tactical Mask
Maximized resistance to flashbang and stun grenade. Immune to gas.
Flak Jacket
Take less damage from enemy explosives and Molotov fires.
Hear an alert when an enemy aims at you. Your vision pulses if the enemy is outside of your view.
Forward Intel
See indicators for enemies reinforcements on your minimap. Minimap shows a larger area.
Perk Slot #2:
Replenish ammo from fallen players.
Recharge equipment over 25 seconds.
See Imprint of enemy footsteps. Aim at enemies to reveal them on your team’s minimap.
Enemies on a Killstreak have a crosshair indicator on your minimap. Receive extra Score for taking them down.
Reduce Field Upgrade cooldown. Store up to two Field Upgrade charges.
Perk Slot #3:
Cold Blooded
AI-controlled scorestreaks will not target you. Player-controlled scorestreaks will not highlight you. Show up cold on thermal. Players in vehicles won’t see your nameplate.
Undetectable by enemy Spy Planes whenever you are moving, planting or defusing bombs, or controlling scorestreaks.
Sprint more quietly. Resistant to Field Medic when sprinting. Speak only when necessary.
Fire your weapon and use Equipment while sprinting. Move at full speed when reloading. Switch weapons faster. Take less damage from falling. Fire more accurately when sliding.
Hack enemy Field Upgrades. Immune to Counter Spy Plane, Jammer, Tracker, and Paranoia. Won't trigger Proximity Mines or Gas Mines. Booby trap enemy Care Packages.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War will release on November 13, 2020, for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One Series X, and PlayStation 5.