call of duty warzone best epic weapons

All Epic Weapons in Call of Duty Modern Warfare and COD Warzone

In this page, you can find a list of the best Epic Weapons from Blueprints that you can find in Modern Warfare, and during the Battle Royale matches and the Plunder matches of Call of Duty Warzone. 

A Weapon Blueprint is a variant of a base weapon within Modern Warfare, with a different name than its base counterpart. These Special Weapons can have unique cosmetic skins, and come pre-equipped with attachments. A weapon in the Epic Tier comes with 4 Attachments.

COD MW Epic Blueprints

Take a look below at some of the best Epic Weapons from COD Battle Royale and Modern Warfare, organized by weapon class. Click on a Weapon to see their Blueprint Setup, Stats, and Attachments Guide.

Filter by Base Weapons Filter by Warzone Only Complete Database Tracer Rounds Dismemberment

Latest Blueprints:




Assault Rifles Epic Blueprints:



Battle Tested


SMGs Epic Blueprints: 


Bat Out Of Hell

Shotguns Epic Blueprints: 

Backyard BBQ


Chemical Burn

LMGs Epic Blueprints: 




Marksman Rifles Epic Blueprints: 

Sniper Rifles Epic Blueprints: 

Handguns Epic Blueprints: 

Call of Duty Warzone released on March 10, 2020, as a standalone free-to-play game, for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC.

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