In this guide, you can find all the weapons from blueprints that have Colored Tracer Bullets in Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Call of Duty Warzone, including red, blue, pink, purple, yellow, and green bullets.
How to Get Colored Bullets in COD MW and Warzone
The only way to get colored bullets in Modern Warfare is by buying specific Bundles from the COD Store. Only specific Weapon Blueprints included in these Bundles can shoot colored bullets.
Check out below a list of all the Tracer Rounds Weapons featured in Call of Duty Modern Warfare. Click on a Blueprint to see their Stats and Attachments.
Go To BO COLD WAR Tracer Rounds Weapons
Rainbow Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Rainbow Sparkles
Tsubaki Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Tracer Pack: Crimson Ronin
Divine Spirit
State of War
Acid Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Roze: Behind The Mask
Pink and Cherry Blossom Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Tracer Pack: Sakura Edition
Amethyst Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Tracer Pack: Amethyst Iskra
Emerald Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Mara: No Place Like Home
Crimson & Gold Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Sgt. Griggs Operator Bundle
Yellow Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Tracer Pack: Yellow
The Anointed
Soul Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW (Ghostly Green):
BUNDLE: Ghost: Grim Reaper
Soul Reaper
Orange Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Family Heirloom
16-Bit Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Tracer Pack: 16bit
Electrical Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Dr. Karlov Lives
Red Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
Death Trap
BUNDLE: Tracer Pack: Skeletonized
The Wages of Sin
BUNDLE: Racing Series: Mach 8
Winner's Circle
BUNDLE: Tracer Pack: Red
Light & Dark Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
HOW TO UNLOCK: Tiers 20 & 100 of the Season 6 Battle Pass
Morte Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW (Italian Flag):
BUNDLE: Morte Operator Bundle
Pink Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Tracer Pack: Anime Super
BUNDLE: Tracer Pack: Anime
The Breakup
Shadow Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Tracer Pack: Shadow
Shadow Realm
BUNDLE: Velikan Operator Bundle
HOW TO UNLOCK: Tier 100 of the Season 5 Battle Pass
The Company's Might
Gold Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: The Executive Armorer
Mother Lode
Royal Coffer
Blue Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Roze Operator Bundle
The Divide
Silver Plume
BUNDLE: Nikto Operator Bundle
Blue Dwarf
Freedom Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW: (USA Flag)
(Weapons alternate between Red, White, and Blue Bullets while shooting)
BUNDLE: Tracer Pack: Freedom
Purple Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Tracer Pack: Purple
Prototype: Alpha
Prototype: Omega
Green Bullets Weapons in COD Warzone & MW:
BUNDLE: Tracer Pack: Green
Snap Dragon
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare released on October 25, 2019, for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC.