“City Center is the showcase of Night City. It's hard to believe that a few decades ago it used to be a smoldering battlefield after the 4th Corporate War and the nuclear attack on Arasaka Tower. Restoration of the district was a lengthy and costly process - it started in the 2030s and ended just recently when the Arasaka Tower was rebuilt in the 2070s. Now it is the most fortified and secure part of the city.”
- CD ProjektRed.
- Local Fixer
Dino Dinovic
The City Center is the heart of Night City. The central business district and the hub of the metropolitan area of the city. Most of the corporations operate from this district.
The City Center has basically two main areas, The Corpo Plaza and Downtown.
Corpo Plaza is the main part of the district and the home to some of the biggest corporations such as Arasaka, Militech, Biotechnica, Petrochem, and Kang Tao.
Downtown is full of nightclubs, alleys, celebrities, exclusive apartments, hotels, and restaurants. It is also full of entertainment, the northern waterfront is a mecca for artists and snobs, with galleries, concert halls, and ateliers around every corner.
Watch out, it isn’t as secure as it seems. There are shady corns and alleys in the city, where crime, drug deals, and even worse.