“Sparsely populated by Nomads, they make the city proper seem like a lush oasis in comparison. Still, this place got plenty of life left in it, as well as heaps of golden opportunities for those in know.”
- CD ProjektRed.
- Gangs
- Local Fixer
Dakota Smith
The Badlands are the vast plains outside of Night City. Looks like there is much to explore here, a lot of surprises await outside Night City.
There is a vast majority of people leaving here, they are not only nomads but also exiles the made up a tribe called The Wraiths. They are responsible for many crimes but mainly for corporate transport disappearances. Explore through the Badlands doesn’t look safe as these people are always searching for opportunities to attack whoever enters their territory.
The Badlands is mainly a wasteland full of chemical wastes and landfills. There are also resource extraction and oil fills in the northern part of the district.
The pollution in the district is a huge problem, acid rain is a common consequence of it. Do not expect vegetation anytime soon, or perhaps ever.
The south side of The Badlands is a desert. Here you can find a power plant and proteins farm from the Biotechnica corporation. Looks like the safe part of the district, but don’t let you guard down any second, the nomads are always searching for trouble.
The Badlands play host to a very unique group of people. Those who are looking to escape the watchful eyes of the Corps and the NCPD can often find refuge in the wastelands outside the city. And though many head to this desolated area to find seclusion, there are those that band together to stake their claim in much the same way the gangs of the city do.
The Nomads of Cyberpunk 2077 are prominent players in the two Gangs that roam the Badlands in Cyberpunk 2077: The Wraiths and the Aldecaldos.