Chongyun is, without a doubt, one of the most popular characters in Genshin Impact. Be for the fact that he is one of the only 4-stars with the capacity to coat his blade in his specific elemental without the need of any of his constellation or for his design and personality; the young exorcist won the hearts of the community.
Now get ready because we will show you a Chongyun build that will freeze your enemies on the spot!
Chongyun Build - It's Time to Break the Ice
For this build, we will focus on building him as an elemental DPS, making use of his talents to increase his damage input and enable reactions.
Since one of Chongyun's strongest points lie is his ability to deal a frequent amount of Cryo Damage to enemies, and the fact that both his Elemental Skill ''Spirit Blade: Chonghua's Layered Frost'', and his Elemental Burst ''Spirit Blade: Cloud-Parting Star'' scale of his overall ATK and Cryo DMG Input, our main choice on the artifact's side would be the Gladiators Finale full set.
The Gladiator's Nostalgia, part of the Gladiator's Finale set.
The set offers a huge boost in normal ATK, but keep in mind that in this case, you need to use a Cryo Damage Goblet to increase his overall damage even more.
An Exorcist's Best Friend
From right to left, Wolfs Gravestone, Serpent Spine, Blackcliff Slasher, and Prototype Archaic.
In the weapons department, as in all DPS, a good amount of ATK, Crit Damage, and Crit Rate are Vital.
With that in mind, our main choice would be the 5-star, and the best claymore in the game, Wolf's Gravestone.
The weapon offers a huge boost in ATK, not only by its Secondary Stat but also by its effect, which increases your ATK by 20%.
- Keep in mind that, since the weapon doesn't have a Crit Substat, it is important to focus on artifacts that will give you at least a 50% Crit Rate and more than 100% Crit Damage.
On the 4-star side, we would recommend the Serpent Spine for its passive and its CRIT Rate sub stat, and the Prototype Archaic for its overall performance.
The BlackCliff Slasher is also recommended, mainly for its Crit Damage stat.
Talent-wise, it is best to invest in his normal attack damage first, even if Chongyun's attacks don't scale well, especially in lower levels, compared to other DPS, like Razor, for example.
Then, it is important to shift focus to his Elemental Skill and Burst since they will be used to increase his overall damage and create opportunities for various reactions.
Everybody's Gone Cryo
Since his Elemental Skill gives all party members in its radius Cryo Damage, by imbuing their weapons, using Supports that go well with the element is key.
With that in mind, Barbara and Xingqiu can fit the team composition perfectly, freezing all the enemies and opening them even more to attacks.
Fischl can also be a great choice if you have her second talent unlocked since it will cause Oz to inflict a high amount of Electro damage on enemies if any elemental reaction is created when he's on the field.
Genshin Impact was released in September of last year for the PlayStation 4, PC, and mobile devices.
You can get Chongyun right now as part of the current Hu Tao featured banner, so don't miss out!