The 1.4 Patch of Genshin Impact will be released soon and this article will detail all information you need to know about the update. Though we cannot be sure of the specifics of events, this article introduces you to the new weapons, characters, events, bosses and QoL updates that were mentioned in the stream.
Free Codes
These are the 3 codes available through the live stream, do redeem these codes before they run out!
There will be two new banners with the 1.4 Update, the Venti banner followed by the Tartaglia banner. Rosaria, a new 4 star polearm Cryo character, will be on Tartaglia's banner. We are unsure of how long each banner will last, or whether there will be a surprise third banner after Tartgalia's run like Hu Tao. The banner starts on 17 March, don't miss the chance to get these two powerful 5 star characters! Venti is an amazing support who can do wonders for your energy recharge and by grouping enemies, while Tartaglia can be an outstanding DPS character, especially with more constellations.
We do not know much about Rosaria's playstyle at the moment, apart from her unique elemental skill. She can swiftly move behind opponents, which could be a useful playstyle for enemies such as Whopperflowers or the Wooden Shield Mitachurls without breaking their shields. Her Ultimate, Rites of Termination, allows her to summon an Ice Lance that remains on the battlefield. This could be similar to Zhongli's pillar or Albedo's flower that periodically deal damage. Additionally, her Ultimate increases the CRIT Rate of all players nearby (except Rosaria herself) by 15%. This could be particularly useful to unleash burst after burst for elemental reactions. Using her elemental skill increases her own CRIT Rate by 12% as well. I will be writing a guide in future about Rosaria's specific build and constellations.
There will be three new weapons that will be part of the Gacha system in the new update. I will be writing a separate article on the various weapons and which characters should use each weapon after we have more information on each of them. For now, we are aware that Elegy for the End has a sub-stat of Energy recharge and a passive that increases elemental mastery and ATK.
Both the Alley weapons have a CRIT Rate sub-stat, while the Wine and Song weapon has an Energy Recharge one.
Windblume Festival
The Windblume Festival will be similar to the Lantern Rite Festival of Liyue, with several changes to the city of Mondstadt itself, as well as many rewards and quests. Apart from the Peculiar Wonderland that seems to be set in the Theatre Mechanicus arena, the rest of the events include other gameplay styles. These include a rhythm game, gliding challenge, flower-collecting event and an archery challenge.
The Windblume Festival will give a free 4 star bow, though the specific sub-stats and passives are unknown for now. This seems to have a similar mechanism to Theatre Mechanicus or the Meteorite event, where players can exchange rewards using the event-limited currency. A total of 1000 Primogems can be earned from this event, definitely something to look forward to if you would like Venti on your team.
Hangout Events
There will be four Hangout Events with Barbara, Noelle, Chongyun and Bennett. These events seem like "dates", where unlike regular quests, your choice of interactions will affect the eventual outcome. For those who skip through quests without reading the dialogue, you might want to reconsider this time! This quest is permanent and will remain here after the 1.4 updates, with more characters to come for future updates.
Wishful Drops Event
The Oceanid event is similar to the Hypostatic Symphony, where the Oceanid boss will receive a buff. You will be able to receive various rewards, including an Oceanid pet, which might indicate that we could get more pets from future events. This can be completed in Co-op and the rewards range from primogems to EXP books.
Contending Tides Event
The Contending Tides Event allows you to fight various hilichurls in an arena, with different gimmicks to help you complete the challenge. If you are in a rush for time, you can complete the higher levels of the challenge, as this will automatically complete the lower levels. You can get primogems, Mora, EXP Books, talent books and mystic enhancement ores from this.
New Abyss Herald
There will be an update to the main story and Dainsleif will make another appearance in the main quest. In the main quest, there will be a new boss enemy called the Abyss Herald. You will only be able to fight him in the main quest and he will not become a permanent boss that you can fight like Tartaglia or Dvalin.
Based on the trailer, he seems to have similar attacks to Tartaglia's Hydro phase, with a large AoE Hydro burst, as well as a double sword that he wields. You can watch all his attacks in the trailer here.
Other Updates
There will be another Marvelous Merchandise event, as well as a new Outland Gastronomy event. Perhaps the Gastronomy event will be related to cooking or food delivery, as the Diluc and Noelle skins are from the Chinese KFC advertisements.
QoL Updates
Fortunately, there will be a few QoL updates in the newest update:
- We will be able to hold up to 5 condensed resin in future, instead of 3. This will make our domain runs easier.
- Recipes that have auto-cook unlocked can also be cooked manually. Through this, you can get achievements for undercooking foods.
- Cooking, crafting, and forging actions are optimized.
- World Level can be manually lowered by 1, to help with grinding for materials/boss drops if your characters are not highly levelled enough. You can only change the world level after 24hours (real-world time), so it cannot be constantly toggled.
- Multiple namecards can be displayed on one's profile.
- Spiral Abyss interface is optimised, with easier views of Elemental Resonance and the ability to retry chambers.
- Ningguang's attacks will be fixed.
Hope this article has been a helpful summary of the various features upcoming in the 1.4 updates! We will be posting more articles on what else will come when more information is released.