Eula is the latest 5-star character to be released in the 1.5 Version and has a Main DPS role, due to her Physical and Cryo DPS nature. The materials she requires are below:
The Dragon Lord's Crown is earned through defeating the weekly boss Azhdaha, giving 1 or 2 each time at higher levels, while the Crystalline Bloom required for levelling is obtained from the Cryo Hypostasis. This article will introduce you to the weapons and artifacts to use on Eula, as well as the party setup you can use with her. I will include options for free to play players, as well as beginners. Since Eula works better with more Physical DMG than Cryo DMG, I would recommend a Physical DPS build instead.
Eula works best with Physical DMG Bonus/CRIT/ATK sub-stat weapons. If possible, I would recommend using a 5-star weapon (Song of Broken Pines, Wolf's Gravestone or Skyward Blade). The only 5 star Claymore with a passive that does not really benefit Eula would be The Unforged, as it increases shield strength. You can use the weapons below:
Overall, the Physical DMG Bonus sub-stat > CRIT sub-stat > ATK sub-stat weapon. I recommend the Physical DMG Bonus greatly as Eula's ascension talent deals Physical DMG Bonus after her Ultimate.
Song of Broken Pines is the new 5-star weapon that will be running concurrently with Eula's banner. The Physical DMG Bonus sub-stat paired with a passive that increases ATK and Normal ATK speed is definitely the best weapon for her.
Snow-tombed Starsilver is a F2P choice that can be obtained from Dragonspine. Hitting an opponent with Normal and Charged Attacks has a 60% chance of forming and dropping an Everfrost Icicle above them, dealing 80% AoE ATK DMG. Opponents affected by Cryo are dealt 200% ATK DMG instead by the icicle. This has the potential to be amazing in Spiral Abyss as the icicle can quickly kill off your enemies. Eula's Skill and Ultimate both affect enemies with Cryo by dealing Cryo DMG, hence this weapon is ideal for her. Do note that increasing refinement level (by just forging the weapon again at the blacksmith) can increase the chance of forming the icicle to 100% at R5.
Serpent Spine can be obtained from the Battle Pass (you can read more about BP weapons here). It has a CRIT Rate sub-stat, which is greatly desired in end-game and can be rather helpful if you are up for a high-risk high-reward playstyle. Ensure that you have other characters that can generate shields to prevent you from taking damage, as you can receive a maximum of 5 stacks of 6% DMG buff that will only remain stacked if you do not take DMG. This is definitely a good weapon choice, but you should only purchase the BP weapon if you are sure you enjoy this playstyle.
Blackcliff Slasher is a F2P option that you can purchase from Paimon's Bargains Shop. You can read more about the Royal Series vs the Blackcliff Series weapons here. Though the CRIT DMG sub-stat is desirable, the passive of ATK increase that only kicks in after defeating enemies is a slight inconvenience. I would recommend purchasing this weapon if you are short of CRIT DMG for Eula, but otherwise, the Snow-tombed Starsilver could be better.
Wolf's Gravestone is a 5-star Weapon that has an ATK sub-stat and is hence rather flexible for several Main DPS characters. Its passive increases ATK by 20% and increases ATK further for all party members by 40%, for enemies with HP lower than 30%. This passive is rather insane for your team and could make your Spiral Abyss runs much easier. However, I still feel that Eula would benefit more greatly from a Physical DMG Bonus weapon, so I would recommend obtaining the Song of Broken Pines instead if you are gunning for a 5-star weapon.
Prototype Archaic is yet another craftable weapon that is F2P friendly with an ATK sub-stat. Its passive gives a 50% chance to increase attacks by 240% ATK DMG, scaling up to 480% ATK DMG if you have R5 of the weapon. Since this is a F2P weapon, it is a great option for beginners as well.
Note that Whiteblind should not be crafted for Eula as its sub-stat is DEF, which works better for characters like Noelle who scale off DEF.
Eula can use a 4-set of Pale Flame as it increases Physical DMG Bonus by 25% and increases ATK by 9% after an elemental skill hits an opponent. Note that the 4-set effect of increased ATK has 2 stacks (increase ATK by 18%) and will increase Physical DMG Bonus by 100%.
This set can be obtained from the Ridge Watch Domain, you can read more about the domain here.
While some might say that the Bloodstained Chivalry set is a good set for Eula, the 4-piece bonus of Pale Flame simply outdoes the Bloodstained set. The Bloodstained set focuses on Charged Attack DMG instead of increasing Physical DMG Bonus further.
If you just started playing Genshin Impact, you might want to use the Martial Artist set 4 piece (which can be obtained from domains such as Hidden Palace of Zhou Formula) for the increase in Normal and Charged ATK DMG in the meantime, but definitely do switch out when you reach a higher level.
The stats and sub-stats that you should prioritise are as below:
- Flower sub-stats: Crit DMG, Crit Rate and ATK
- Feather sub-stats: Crit DMG, ATK
- Watch stat: ATK%
- Goblet stat: Physical DMG Bonus (can be any artifact set, as long as the main stat is Physical DMG)
- Mask stat: Crit DMG or Crit Rate (depending on your weapon substat and other artifact substats)
The best order to upgrade Eula's talents is below:
Glacial Illumination > Favonius Bladework - Edel > Icetide Vortex
Party Setup
Since Eula has the Main DPS role, your other characters should complement her Cryo element. A great support character for Eula would be Fischl as her Skill and Ultimate can proc a "Superconduct" reaction for Eula. Xingqiu can also be used on your team with Eula, as his rainswords allow for Freeze without needing to swap Eula out regularly. Alternatively, you can have Xiangling or Bennett in your team for Melt damage.
Eula seems like a Cryo Razor, with her Physical DPS build. Although she has not yet been released, Eula is a rather promising character that can potentially make Spiral Abyss easier with her flexible Cryo element and Physical DPS role. We hope that you found this article helpful and do let us know if there are other articles you would like to read in future!