2.8 Update
This article will summarise the updates from the 2.8 live stream of Genshin Impact, with details on the new banners, hangouts and events.
The codes that can be redeemed from this live stream are below:
- They give 300 Primogems, 5 Hero's Wit, 10 Mystic Enhancement Ores and 500,000 Mora.
Character Banners
The first banner in the 2.8 version of Genshin Impact is a double rerun banner with Kazuha and Klee. The new 4-star character in this update is Shikanoin Heizou, who will be on the first banner. For more information on how to build Kazuha, you can refer to this guide, or here on how to build Klee. To learn more about Heizou's skills and talents, check out this article!
The second banner in the 2.6 version is a rerun of Yoimiya.
The Summertime Odyssey event seems to be similar to the previous summer event where we could explore a temporary island and complete different parts of the event for rewards. There is also a combat element to this event! Additionally, there is a Resonating Visions event, where players can collect conches to receive the newest Fischl skin, Ein Immernachtstraum. Completing this event will give Fischl and her skin, as seen below.
The Reminiscent Regimen event seems to be an obstacle course type event that involves flying and steering the boat to get coins. Along the way, players will need to defeat enemies on the floating platforms to proceed.
Hidden Strife is an event that is themed after Diluc's new skin - Red Dead of Night. It is a combat event where you can test your character's limits and obtain the highest score. You will also be able to get Primogems, Hero's Wit, Weapon Ascension materials and Mora as rewards for the easier difficulties. You can see Diluc's skin below.
The last event is Evermotion Mechanical Painting, where players create a working system of gears, similar to a puzzle game.
Story Quests
Given that there are no new 5-star characters, there will be no story quest. However, there will be a hangout with Shikanoin Heizou!
Other Updates
Genshin will also be having a collaboration with Pizza Hut China, similar to the KFC event last year. However, there will also be Genshin-themed food in some outlets.
Lastly, there will be more Genshin Impact OST released on music streaming platforms!
The end of the live stream showed some videos of Sumeru, with a child narrator longing for the deserts and forests of the new upcoming region. This hints toward the release of Sumeru coming soon, similar to the introduction to some Inazuman places before its release. The child narrator might be the leaked Kusanali (or Nahida), but only time will tell.
We hope you have found this article helpful and will enjoy the new updates in the 2.8 version of Genshin Impact! Before the new update arrives, look at my Arataki Itto build and guide here and Gorou build and guide here. Do look out for more Genshin guides from me and let us know if there are other articles you would like to read!