In the world of Cyberpunk 2077, most electronic devices with a security system, including phones, smart guns, laptops, cars, doors, or hotel rooms, are accessed via a chip technology called SID (often referred to as "Seed"), which stands for subcutaneous identification device.
The SID is a small circuit board mounted on the thumb bone of the dominant hand of each person.
Despite this security software, hacking a car can be done by those with access to a personal link and specialized illegal hacking programs.
Every vehicle in Cyberpunk 2077 is equipped with an access port next to the fuel intake. Accessing that port and connecting to it through a personal link can allow a thief to open, break, or install malware on the vehicle's computers.
So in addition to legally purchasing vehicles, V can hack and steal vehicles. Cars will be harder to steal based on their class and the brand of the vehicle. Brands range from Lower, Middle, to Upper tiers.
How can I steal cars in Cyberpunk 2077?
You can unlock the ability to steal cars and motorcycles by upgrading your Hacking Skill and Body Skill.
So, at the very beginning of the game, you won't be able to steal vehicles. This is different from games like GTA V where you're able to immediately steal vehicles at any point.
Cars are harder to steal based on their class (Lower, Middle, Upper) and manufacturer.
With an appropriate Hacking Skill level, you will be able to hijack a parked car. The Technical Ability requirement to break into a parked car ranges from 4 to 10.
Alternatively, a simpler way is to rip people out of their cars while on the road. But you need to have a high enough Body Skill level to be able to do that. The Body requirement to steal an occupied car ranges from 4 to 10.
However, it's important to note that you will not be able to store stolen vehicles in your personal garage, they're only meant for temporary use - such as when needing a vehicle for an escape
On the other hand, you will be able to easily summon the vehicles that you own by purchasing them legally.
To check out all the vehicles included in the game, see the complete Cyberpunk 2077 Vehicles Database.