Minecraft is a literal once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon. It is the most popular game ever developed that stayed on top for over a decade now. I played it a long time ago, and I still come back to it from time to time, but only just recently I had some thoughts about it in a way I never did before. This is a game that can bring different generations of people together.
My Minecraft Story
This is not your typical article about some news or reports and more of a personal story. I was always a creative person and just recently I became aware of how much this game brings to my life. My conclusions with the statement that it is a game that brings people together, no matter the age is based on my own experience.
I have a sister that is almost thirteen years younger than me, and we do not have very much in common. It is an age gap that makes the difference, especially early on, and I was so thrilled that we got that one thing that connects us and makes us spend time together, especially in these times when most of the things take place over the internet. This thing is that simple blocky game called Minecraft.
We are playing Minecraft from time to time, and we connect on a real-life level thanks to that one game. I started thinking about it and came to the conclusion that it is a real phenomenon with the ability to bring completely different generations together to build some structures or go on adventures together.
We hear a lot about the values it gives, how it helps build creativity and teamwork, but it also has the ability for so much more.
How Minecraft Brings Generations Together?
The game is constructed in such a way that it is accessible for everyone, from little kids to full-grown adults. It has no restrictions and is enjoyable on almost every level. The freedom it provides allows us to express ourselves in such ways that are not possible in real life.
There is something with creating a pickaxe and mining together, crafting a sword and fighting together, gathering resources and building amazing structures, or just simply exploring. We have a lot of updates for Minecraft and it is a game that constantly changes, which definitely helps lengthen its lifespan.
Minecraft Phenomenon
It Is undoubtedly one of the biggest hits of the gaming world in general. Ignoring the never-aging gameplay formulas, innovative approach and constant updates make the game timeless, but it is also a platform for people from various age groups, ethnic groups, races, sexualities and so much more to get together and just enjoy themselves. You can really get to know people and build a bond via a video-game, which is phenomenal in itself.
Minecraft is out now on PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One X/S, Xbox Series X/S, PS Vita, PS3, PS4, PS5, WiiU, 3DS, Nintendo Switch, and probably everything else with a screen.
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