Denied Area is a Co-Op Special Ops mission available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022).
Multiple SAM turrets are preventing reinforcements from entering Al Mazrah. With the help of a vehicle, navigate through the winding streets of a suburb to destroy them; then speed over to the exfil plane to escape.
- Release Game Launch
- Mission Number 2
- Rewards Base Operator: Zero
Denied Area Mission Objectives Stars
Here is how to obtain stars in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops mission Denied Area:
- 1 Star: Complete Denied Area
- 2 Stars: Complete Denied Area in under 25:00 minutes
- 3 Stars: Complete Denied Area in under 16:00 minutes
Daily Challenges for Additional Stars: Additional Special Ops Stars are earned through the Daily Challenge system, specifically by completing the third Daily Challenge and the fourth Bonus Challenge within this mode.
Denied Area Mission Walkthrough
How to Complete Denied Area in Modern Warfare 2 (2022)
The second Special Ops mission is Denied Area. You start about 170 meters from the A site. Your goal is to destroy the S.A.M site altogether.
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You need to approach the site and get rid of the enemies either stealthily or go in guns blazing. Clear the area and all the buildings not to get ambushed later on. then approach the S.A.M turret and press Square on the PlayStation to plant the explosives.
After destroying the first S.A.M site you need to locate additional S.A.M sites and repeat the process. The next one will be highlighted on the map again about 170 meters from your location, but it is just a start because the marker will go further the closer you get guiding you to the next site.
Make sure to refill your ammo and get some heavy weaponry at the previously destroyed site. Look around for anything that could help you out further down the line. You can also find some self-resurrection items there.
Make sure you move fast in order to get the highest rating. There will also be a car to help you reach other sites faster, a white SUV that can be accessed by pressing Square on the PlayStation controller.
Take your car and go down the road towards the next site. Dodge the explosives thrown from the chopper above your head. You can exit the vehicle and blow up the helicopter or just go straight to the site and avoid getting hit.
Go below the pipes and down the road, be careful for enemies on top of the hill and on the turrets with RPG launchers. If you are playing with a friend one of you can go on top of the car and shoot the enemies down. Also, watch out for the mines that are spread around the road.
They will be shown by the red light beaming from them. Be ready for some car chases as the enemies will approach you on armored vehicles. After you reach a certain point you will see three more S.A.M Sites signalized by B, C, and D waypoints on the screen. You can destroy them in any order you please.
Every site will have a turret that can be destroyed by planting explosives with Square on PlayStation and a point where you can refresh your ammo, health, and armor. Repeat that process on each of the three sites, destroy S.A.M turrets and eliminate all the enemies.
After destroying the last and fourth in total S.A.M site you will need to get to the Exfil location. It will be a couple of hundred meters from your location depending on the site you finish on.
The plane will land on the road and you need to get to it in time, there will be enemy cars trying to stop you. You can go on the plane on foot or with your vehicle thus finishing off the mission Denied Area.
For more coverage on missions like Denied Area make sure to stay tuned to Games Atlas!