This information about the 1.6 Spiral Abyss enemies and phases is obtained from Genshin_Intel as well as Hu Tao's Corner Discord. We have no affiliation to any of the leakers and the current leaked information is subject to change. Each respective leak has been linked to its source unless the links are no longer available. This article will introduce the various phases, new enemies for Floor 12, as well as give some tips on how to build your characters in preparation for the new Abyss.
Phase 1: Enemy affected by swirl releases a shockwave that deals AoE damage to nearby enemies. Up to one shockwave every 3.5 seconds.
Phase 2: When a character procs swirl on enemies, all team members recover 4 energy. This effect can occur up to once every 3.5 seconds.
- Phase 3: When the character on the field procs swirl on enemies, an aura will form at the current location of the character. Enemies inside the aura take damage every 2 seconds, over a total of 8 seconds. This aura can be procced up to once every 9 seconds.
Abyss Floor 12 Information
- Floor 12 Chamber 1: Primo Geovishap has been changed to Double Geovishaps (like in 1.4 Abyss)
- Floor 12 Chamber 2 1st Half: Cryo Cicin Mage and Treasure Hoarders
Floor 12 Ley-line Disorder:
- Chamber 1: For this floor only, the ley line flow will be normal.
- Chamber 2: Opponents' HP increased by 150%.
- Chamber 3: No Ley Line Disorder.
Floor 12 Enemies:
- Chamber 1 1st Half: 1x Lvl94 Geovishap
- Chamber 1 2nd Half: 1x Lvl94 Geovishap
- Chamber 2 1st Half: 1x Lvl97 Fatui Electro Cicin Mage, 1x Lvl97 Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage
- Chamber 2 2nd Half: 1x Lvl97 Fatui Pyro Agent, 1x Lvl97 Treasure Hoarder: Gravedigger
- Chamber 3 1st Half: 1x Lvl99 Ruin Guard
- Chamber 3 2nd Half: 1x Lvl99 Ruin Grader
Given that these phases rely heavily on Swirl, it seems that you would benefit greatly from having an Anemo character such as Venti, Sucrose or the new 1.6 character, Kazuha, on your team. Since Xiao does not do much "Swirl", you would be better off with a Sub-DPS Anemo character instead. If you would like to use Xiao, you can try bringing a Sub DPS/Utility character with an elemental skill that can be placed. For example, you can use Mona, Xiangling or Fischl when Xiao is doing his plunging attacks, to allow for Swirl reactions with each plunge.
Additionally, you should try to build a strong Electro/Pyro character that can break shields in order to break the Cryo Cicin Mage's shield. This is integral as it ensures that you can finish Floor 12 Chamber 2 in time. For example, Diluc, Keqing and Hu Tao are great for breaking Cryo shields.
Of course, it would be great to have a shield character in your team (such as Zhongli or Diona) to prevent you from taking too much damage. Try to bring an archer so that you can aim at the Ruin Guard/Grader's weak points and disable them.
We hope that you have found this article helpful and that you are enjoying the new updates in the 1.5 version of Genshin Impact! Head here to read about the best teams for Spiral Abyss, or you can click below for individual guides for each floor of Spiral Abyss: