Is There Warzone 2.0 Beta? Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 is set to launch on November 16, a few weeks after the main Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 launches on October 28.
As we are set to conclude the second and final beta weekend for Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer, many are now starting to wonder if Activision will be hosting a similar type of beta for Warzone 2.0 before it launches.
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The forthcoming combat royale Warzone 2.0 was briefly shown to players during the Call of Duty: Next event. It was made known that Warzone 2.0 would include a brand-new, enormous map for players to battle on and fresh interpretations of the Warzone battle royale experience.
These most recent additions include a brand-new method for the lethal storm circle to disintegrate, an improved Gulag, and the inclusion of adversary A.I. strongholds.
Is There Warzone 2.0 Beta?
Activision and Infinity Ward have not yet made any official announcements regarding a Warzone 2.0 beta. You'd think Activision would want a sizable player base to test out the upgrade in advance given all the significant changes coming to the battle royale game with this update. But nothing seems to have been planned as of yet.
Credits: Infinity Ward
As things stand, it looks as if there will not be a Warzone 2 Beta. The Modern Warfare 2 Beta has been and gone, and there was never an option to play Warzone 2. Furthermore, the developers have made no indication that Warzone 2 will be made available to try out before its November 16, 2022, release date.
Players have been begging for the release of a potential Warzone 2.0 beta with all of these recent revelations. There is currently no such beta, which is unfortunate for battle royale fans.
That is not to suggest that people cannot try out the newest Call of Duty game. On PC, Xbox, and PlayStation, Modern Warfare II is now in open beta for multiplayer.
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Credits: Infinity Ward
Warzone 2.0 Beta – Summary
We can't fully rule out the idea of a surprise Warzone 2 Beta announcement, despite the likelihood of being remote. Although the MW2 Beta was primarily focused on Modern Warfare 2, it was also possible to access the Warzone 2 menus and playlists because the servers weren't operational.
And we know Warzone 2 is playable because they showed out the Warzone 2 map, Al Mazrah, Warzone 2 Strongholds, and other Warzone 2 new features in Call of Duty: Next.
For more coverage on the Call of Duty collection and warzone 2.0 updates, keep tuning into Games Atlas!