Minecraft has announced its annual Minecraft Mob Vote 2022! Players can vote for their favorite creature among three brand-new mobs that are going to be added to the world.
Minecraft has unveiled three fascinating mobs that the players can choose from – what are they?
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Read on more in this article to learn more about what a mob is and what they have to offer.
Minecraft Mob Vote 2022 – Mobs List
This year, the mob vote takes place in a special Bedrock server, the Minecraft launcher, and right on Minecraft.net.
As an official statement announced, the vote opens on October 14, noon EDT and will be open for 24 hours. With the new voting system, you can change your mind as many times as you want during that 24 hours.
The Sniffer
Credit: Mojang
I would like to introduce you to the Sniffer, one of the three mobs you can vote for in this year's Mob Vote! What was once lost is now found in this endangered mob. Revive the species and help it thrive again! All you have to do is search chests in underwater ruins for Sniffer eggs, bring them to the surface, and help them hatch.
The Rascal – Minecraft Mob Vote 2022
Credit: Mojang
To find the Rascal, you'll have to dig deep underground. You do not have to go all the way into the deep darkness, just below Y=0. This mysterious mob can be found in the mines, where they love to play hide and seek!
It's both playful and helpful and will give you clues if you look for it. Oh, and it's generous too! If you find it three times, it will reward you with a special prize to help you mine. He may be mischievous, but he will not lead you into a warden's den!
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Tuff Golem
Credit: Mojang
Meet the Tuff Golem, one of the three candidates in this year's mob election! This mob is also a statue - which moves! In its statue state, the Tuff Golem can hold and display any item you give it. When it awakens from its statue-like slumber, it walks around randomly and picks up any dropped item it encounters, unless it's already carrying on one.
The Tuff Golem is a mob you build, like Snow and Iron Golems, but unlike them, they are completely passive. If you add, for example, a wool block to his build, he will wear a matching cape.
Minecraft Mob Vote 2022 – Summary
The Minecraft Mob Votes often leaves fans spoilt for choice between equally interesting mobs, and the 2022 vote is no different. Since each mob has a very unique role and covers very different aspects of Minecraft's extensive gameplay, it's very hard to say which mob will prevail. Nevertheless, fans will find out which of Sniffer, Rascal, and Tuff Golem will come out on top on October 15 at Minecraft Live.
In my opinion, the best choice is the Rascal. It will give more immersive options during playing and also, another living and autonomous creature will add more fun for the players, especially ones that focus on the main game scheme – mining through the world and exploring mines that are already existing.
What is Your opinion? Is the Rascal the best choice?
Feel free to write your opinion below and spread it among all the players, and maybe have an influence on the annual 2022 Minecraft Mob Vote!